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From Uncertainty to Achievement: The Power of Grade 8 Tutoring

From Uncertainty to Achievement

The Power of Grade 8 Tutoring


In Ethiopia’s educational landscape, 8th grade isn’t just another year—it’s a pivotal moment that can shape a child’s entire future. This is Hilena’s story, a bright young girl whose life took an inspiring turn thanks to the straightforward yet powerful intervention from the loving support of donors like you: 10 weeks of grade 8 tutoring.

The 8th Grade Hurdle

Picture yourself at 14, brimming with aspirations, yet facing a national exam that could make or break your dreams. This is the reality for Ethiopian 8th graders like Hilena. The obstacles students face are daunting:

  1. No schoolbooks at home
  2. Little time to study due to household responsibilities
  3. A high-stakes exam that could end a child's education journey
  4. They must pass the grade 8 exam to proceed to secondary school

For girls like Hilena, these obstacles are even more pronounced due to cultural expectations and burdensome domestic responsibilities.

A Game-Changing Solution: The 10-Week Tutoring Program

This is where the Roots Ethiopia 8th Grade Tutoring program steps in. With just $8 per student, their improved schools (30 of them!) will provide:

  • 50 hours of targeted tutoring across the core subjects
  • Access to crucial schoolbooks
  • Guidance from experienced educators
  • A dedicated learning environment for girls

Hilena’s Transformation

When we first met Hilena, her words resonated deeply:

“I really love school. But now, I am worried about advancing to grade 9. I don’t have schoolbooks at home. And because I am a girl I have many responsibilities at home. I ask myself, ‘how will I pass the exam?'”

Thanks to generous supporters just like you, Hilena got the help she needed. She joined the 8th grade tutoring program at her school, where Roots Ethiopia has an active school improvement project. Over 10 weeks, she immersed herself in 5 hours of tutoring every Saturday. Hilena felt really encouraged. Her teachers shared that:

  • Her self-assurance blossomed
  • Her comradery with her school friends around a stressful test was shared
  • She finally had study materials at her fingertips and she asked many questions

Hilena studies hard at school. After she finishes her chores at home she enjoys teaching the alphabet to neighborhood children.

The Outcome? Triumph Beyond Expectations

When exam results were announced, Hilena didn’t just scrape by—she shone! Her dedication, coupled with the support she received, yielded results that surpassed her wildest dreams. She scored over 91% on her exam – a notable accomplishment at her school.

Now, Hilena is confidently stepping into 9th grade, breaking free from the cycle of early school dropout that ensnares far too many girls in her community.

Hilena studying

Hilena studying at home during her rare free time. She is already working very hard in grade 9.

The Far-Reaching Impact

Hilena’s achievement is more than personal success—it exemplifies the untapped potential in every student when given proper support. Investing in girls’ education doesn’t just change individual trajectories; it reshapes communities and dismantles barriers to equality.

Every girl who remains in school:

  • Enjoys improved health outcomes
  • Increases her earning potential
  • Contributes more substantially to her community and nation

We know you are here for this — because you care about education for all children.

Your Support Creates Ripples of Change

Thanks to donors’ generosity, stories like Hilena’s are becoming increasingly common. However, many girls still await their opportunity. Each $8 donation funds 50 hours of tutoring, potentially altering a girl’s next step. A step into secondary school is such an important goal.

As you celebrate Hilena’s triumph, we know you are reminded of education’s transformative power and the profound impact of even small investments. Together, we can ensure more girls like Hilena have the chance to realize their aspirations and forge brighter futures for themselves and their communities.

Will you help us create more success stories like Hilena’s? Join The Roots and help be part of Hilena’s continued success.

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