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SHOEtember: Stepping Up for Education!


Stepping Up for Education!


Have you heard about SHOEtember? It’s not a typo, and it’s not about fall fashion trends. SHOEtember is an annual opportunity to ensure children can walk confidently to school – quite literally!

What is SHOEtember all about?

Imagine being a 10-year-old child, full of dreams about building bridges and roads, but facing a significant challenge. Every morning, you must walk 30 minutes to school over rough terrain.  Your shoes, worn and barely holding together, offer little protection.

This is where SHOEtember comes in. You can provide sturdy shoes and socks to a child who desperately need them. We’re talking about footwear that will help a child go places — literally and figuratively.

Why focus on shoes? Here’s why:

  1. No child should miss out on education due to poverty. It’s that simple.
  2. Good shoes protect against harmful parasites like sand fleas, which can cause serious infections.
  3. High inflation and severe poverty means many families cannot afford to buy shoes for their school aged child.
  4. When a child has comfortable, protective footwear, they can focus on learning rather than dealing with foot pain or injuries.
  5. Proper shoes boost confidence, allowing a child to participate fully in school activities.

Here’s the remarkable part: Just $26 can provide a child with a pair of shoes and two pairs of socks. You can solve this problem for a child with a gift of shoes and socks with this button to give.

Have you heard about SHOEtember? It’s not a typo, and it’s not about fall fashion trends. SHOEtember is an annual opportunity to ensure children can walk confidently to school – quite literally!

What is SHOEtember all about?

Imagine being a 10-year-old child, full of dreams about building bridges and roads, but facing a significant challenge. Every morning, you must walk 30 minutes to school over rough terrain.  Your shoes, worn and barely holding together, offer little protection.

This is where SHOEtember comes in. You can provide sturdy shoes and socks to a child who desperately need them. We’re talking about footwear that will help a child go places — literally and figuratively.

Why focus on shoes? Here’s why:

  1. No child should miss out on education due to poverty. It’s that simple.
  2. Good shoes protect against harmful parasites like sand fleas, which can cause serious infections.
  3. High inflation and severe poverty means many families cannot afford to buy shoes for their school aged child.
  4. When a child has comfortable, protective footwear, they can focus on learning rather than dealing with foot pain or injuries.
  5. Proper shoes boost confidence, allowing a child to participate fully in school activities.

Here’s the remarkable part: Just $26 can provide a child with a pair of shoes and two pairs of socks. You can solve this problem for a child with a gift of shoes and socks with this button to give.

Eden and Getahun need new shoes to walk safely and confidently to school

Eden and Getahun need new shoes to walk safely and confidently to school

How can you be part of SHOEtember?

1. Donate: Every $26 contribution helps a child step into a brighter future.
2. Spread the word: Share information about SHOEtember with your network.
3. Get involved: Consider organizing a peer to peer fundraiser.

Remember, education is a fundamental right, not a privilege. Sometimes, all it takes to access that right is a sturdy pair of shoes.

This SHOEtember, we can work together to overcome poverty’s barriers and give children the chance to walk proudly into their classrooms and towards their dreams.

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