Planned Giving: Why Your Will Matters and Can Do Great Good in Ethiopia

Hello dear friends and supporters of Roots Ethiopia. While August was National Make a Will Month, it’s not too late to think about estate planning, and in particular, planned giving. Let’s talk about creating a will and how it can make a lasting impact on the lives of children and communities you care so much about in Ethiopia.

Imagine being able to create positive change that will continue into the future and be part of the legacy you leave to the world. That’s the power of a will and your planned giving. A will is like a roadmap that guides your wishes for the future. By including Roots Ethiopia in your will, you can sow the seeds of hope and help nurture a brighter future for generations to come.

What is Planned Giving?

Planned giving means making a thoughtful decision today that will benefit others tomorrow. Planned giving is like crafting a bridge between today and tomorrow, where your actions today pave the way for a better life for others in the future. When you choose to remember Roots Ethiopia in your will, you’re choosing to invest in education, job creation, and a better future for families and children in rural Ethiopia.

Why Your Will Matters.

1. Leaving a Legacy: Your will is a powerful way to leave behind a legacy of compassion and support. By naming Roots Ethiopia as a beneficiary, you ensure that your values and beliefs continue to make a difference long after you’re gone.

2. Creating Opportunities: When you include us in your will, you’re opening doors of opportunity for children who might not have had access to quality education, and for mothers to build sustainable jobs in their local markets.. Your gift can transform lives and break the cycle of poverty.

3. Making a Lasting Impact: Just like a small seed grows into a mighty tree, your planned gift can grow into something amazing. Even a small portion of your estate can make a big impact on our projects, helping us send children to school, improve schools, and help hard-working moms succeed.

4. Tailored by You: Your will reflects your wishes and desires. You have the freedom to decide how your gift will be used to benefit Roots Ethiopia. Your gift will be used wisely to create positive change.

How to Include Roots Ethiopia in Your Will

Setting up planned giving is a thoughtful and caring process. Here are some basic steps::

1. Talk to a Professional: Consult with a lawyer or financial advisor to ensure that your will reflects your wishes accurately and complies with legal requirements where you live.

2. Choose Your Gift: Decide what kind of gift you’d like to leave – it could be a specific amount of money, a percentage of your estate, or even specific assets like stocks.

3. Include Our Information: To make sure your gift reaches us, include our full name (Roots Ethiopia) and our non-profit status information in your will.

4. Notify Us: If you’re comfortable doing so, let us know about your planned gift. We’d love to express our gratitude and ensure that your wishes are understood.

Your Gift, Their Future

By including Roots Ethiopia in your will, you’re choosing to be a part of something bigger than yourself. You’re giving the gift of education, hope, and opportunity. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change that touches lives for generations.

Thank you for considering planned giving and for being a beacon of hope in the world. Your generosity truly has the power to change the world, one child, and one community at a time.

Reach out to us if you have any questions:

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