You Helped Turn This Mom’s Life Around – From Struggle to Success!

Get excited, because you’re about to hear how one woman’s invitation to join SHE changed her life in the most amazing way. Onions and hard work are the reason!

Not too long ago, Degefech was in a desperate situation. After her husband passed away, she had to provide for her four children. She felt ashamed having to ask neighbors to give her a few onions so she could at least sell them at the market for food for her children. Every single day was an uphill battle for survival. Degefech was exhausted. She was barely feeding her children once a day.

A huge opportunity came her way when Degefech was invited to join a Roots Ethiopia Self-Help Entrepreneur group in her village. Degefech got right to work. Her hard-working energy and the support of her group members inspired her. She finally felt hope. Degefech had business training and seed money to start her business selling onions. She was so relieved that she no longer had to ask her neighbors for help.

Degefech worked hard to build her onion business. She went from having almost nothing to becoming a full-time business woman. She now successfully sells at least 20 kilos of onions every single week, plus hot peppers, ginger, and garlic! Her kids are all in school and Degefech has been able to feed her children every day. She has also been able to add some comfort items in her home. Blankets for the children was one of her first purchases.

(Degefech selling her produce at her local market)

Degefech says, “Thanks to God I turned onions into success! You helped me join the amazing entrepreneur program. My life is so much better because of my training and the support and friendship of the women in my group. Come back to me in a few months, because I have more plans to grow. You will my success!”

Degefech has moved from severe poverty and struggle to successful business owner and rockstar mom! No more asking for handouts or constant worries, just a booming onion business and aspirations to grow her market work.

Degefech is just one of over 1,600 women you’ve empowered to start businesses to provide for their families. You’re straight up changing lives left and right!

When YOU give, you help a mom get the skills and funds to start her own business and go from worry and struggle to amazing success!

You’ve already making a difference for moms like Degefech. Please give to transform another deserving mom’s life!

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