
Triumph Over Adversity – The Inspirational Journey of Ayelew, a Young Man who is Deaf

This week is such a surprise to us — it’s almost the end of the year! We want to share the story of Ayelew today — he’s a bright light in the world and we really want you to meet him!

Ayelew is on our mind because the field team in Ethiopia is working hard this week to help 234 students who are part of the school sponsorship program. They’ll get 100kg of corn and 3 litres of cooking oil this week. The food support helps every student attend school.  The kids are not needed for their labor help provide food for their families.

Ayelew’s Amazing Journey:

Ayelew is student with a school sponsorship who has achieved something incredible. Despite facing difficulties, he graduated from high school and is now in his first year of university!

Ayelew had a tough start – he lost his hearing and ability to speak when he was a small child. He lives in a small village, but with his dad’s support, he never gave up. In 2018, community leaders asked visiting Board of Directors, “please meet a special son of our village. He is so smart and he needs help to continue school. Can you help him?”

An introduction, a community plea, and a YES was met with “elelelelele”. His father shared, “I was injured in a war and I am not able to walk or work with any comfort. We are poor but my son is rich in his mind. Now, he has the gift of a secure education. I am a happy father on this glorious day.”


(Ayelew is holding a letter he wrote, thanking Roots Ethiopia and supporters for being his beacon of hope and help during his days in primary and secondary school.)


Six Years Later – A University Success:

Six years later… Ayelew is in UNIVERSITY! That’s a big deal! This past year only 3.3% of all students who took the exam qualified for University. From a small village to higher education, Ayelew’s story is an inspiration.

We’re happy to share stories like Ayelew’s, and it reminds us of how important it is to support each other. Thank you for being a part of our community and making stories like Ayelew’s possible.

Planned Giving: Why Your Will Matters and Can Do Great Good in Ethiopia

Hello dear friends and supporters of Roots Ethiopia. While August was National Make a Will Month, it’s not too late to think about estate planning, and in particular, planned giving. Let’s talk about creating a will and how it can make a lasting impact on the lives of children and communities you care so much about in Ethiopia. Continue reading “Planned Giving: Why Your Will Matters and Can Do Great Good in Ethiopia”